1979年 千葉県生まれ
1999年 九州デザイナー学院グラフィックデザイン学科卒業
2009年 福岡、東京のデザイン事務所を経て、独立
Art director / Designer
Born in Chiba, Japan in 1979. Graduated from Kyushu Designer Gakuin majoring in Graphic Design in 1999. Established design office Shiro in 2009 after working at a design firm in Fukuoka and in Tokyo. Awarded with prizes are the Grand Prize / The prize of Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, the 51st Kumanichi Design Award; Second Prize at the 52st Kumanichi Design Award, POP Award from Aoyama Design Award, Excellent Work from Tokyo TDC, Grand Prize and Special prize at Fukuoka Design Award and so on.